
New research has revealed that a staggering 49% of young people and graduates in the UK are failing to take the topical issue of job automation into account when choosing their career, in fact 17% aren’t aware of the concept at all.

Using in-depth reports from the likes of Oxford University, Boston Consulting Group and Nesta, the research established which industries are safe from automation; whether that’s STEM, creative or technology.

Understanding the trends

Unfortunately, according to the research, being mathematical or creative isn’t enough anymore.

Interestingly, the data from Nesta revealed that job roles that merge both creative and technical skills are posting more jobs than what is being searched for by graduates, demonstrating just how unprepared young people are for what is developing in the job market.

To get a clear picture, the role for Application Developer actually has 47% more postings than it does searches, while Software Developer has 23% more postings than searches.

Meanwhile, UI/UX Designer/Developer/Engineer/Director has seen 19.5% less searches in comparison to postings and Architect saw 12%.

Providing advice to graduates

According to a survey by Nesa of 1,000 Brits aged 16-25, 48% said that no one had discussed this job trend with them, meaning that many graduates have absolutely no idea how this will impact their career.

Paul D’Arcy, SVP at the research firm, said that it’s vital that graduates and young job seekers are aware of the new job era and trends that are taking place.

The data that has been collated also refers to the fact there is a little confusion when it comes to advising young people about automation, with many having had some sort of advice given. Therefore, surely it’s teachers and lecturers that need pointing in the right direction too, he added.

If you’re a recent graduate, speak to Discovery Graduates today.